วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Bitter gourd

Bitter gourd is the scientific name Momordica charantia L. and called the English variety , whether Balsam apple, Balsam pear, Bitter cucumber, Bitter gourd, Bitter melon, Carilla fruit.

The plant is a biennial plant in the family. It is a vine, like zucchini, cucumber, bitter gourd is one of the two varieties of gourd, which is popular in China, which include bitter gourd and bitter gourd are affected by light. And bitter gourd than China The bitter taste of bitter gourd, it comes from a chemical called Momodicine the most commonly eaten fresh fruit gourd with chili. Or boiled before eating. If resistance to odor and bitter taste , it can be eaten as a juice or smoothie drinks as well.

Bitter gourd fried egg

     2 tablespoons of the oil area
     2 chicken eggs
     10 Bitter gourd
     2 tablespoons minced garlic
     1 Garlic
     1/2 teaspoon salt
     1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

    1. Wash the bitter gourd cut in half seeded, thinly sliced. Soaked in brine (water mixed with 2 cups of salt, 2 teaspoons) to loosen up the spinach, squeeze out the water.
    2. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a pan, add garlic, onion, put it fried bitter gourd cooked well enough on the side of the pan.
    3. Heat the remaining oil in the pan. Smash the eggs into a bowl, pour in enough egg pan fried egg cooked enough. The gourd and egg together. Sprinkle with pepper and salt plate.

Thank picture form menudiabetesfree.blogspot.com

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Centella asiatica

Other names Phak khnak Style herbaceous vines spread over several years along the ground . Like wet According to the roots The flow extends to grow from the leaf blade holds up 3-5
Leaves alternate kidney diameter 2-5 cm serrated edge stem length flower bouquet axillary 2-3 small purple flower petal effect . dry , and the properties have been used as a medicine.
Fresh leaves - used as an external treatment for eczema. Scald burns with a handful of fresh leaves 1 pound cleaned the wound , apply the juice to mask the often -cake with. To close the wound and scarring of the Bulge .Asiatic help control blood pressure to normal , aging , stimulate faster wound healing, for example.

Asiatic shrimp salad

the ingredients
 Centella asiatica leaf 20
 Shrimp 15
 1 tablespoon chili paste
 2 tablespoons toasted coconut
 1 tablespoon fish sauce
 3/4 tablespoon lemon juice
 little sugar

- Rinse thoroughly Asiatic Cut into pieces and set aside .
- Mix the toasted coconut sauce , fish sauce, lime juice and sugar together into a salad .
- Asiatic water mix with salad dressing and mix well . The plate and garnished with grilled shrimp . Make it beautiful and serve
Remove the fish -shaped mold is then baked in the oven . Before frying pan teflon . Add a little vegetable stock .
-Garnish with coriander and mint leaves, sliced ​​tomatoes crosswise . Serve with sauce


Paew eaten as a vegetable eaten spicy food of all kinds. Broccoli is the main thread . Northern food and Vietnamese food Paew has a unique taste aromatic flavor hot to eat more to feel unpleasant taste in the mouth. Top Mix a fresh garnish . Spicy foods The little shrimp ( shrimp , crayfish ) also put spicy fish curry to cut fishlike .Put cooked foods Periwinkle . Northern Popular put hot sauce in Paew , especially the vegetables with a spicy herbal medicinal properties are properties to expel flatulence contains phosphorus. Vitamin A is very high It also contains vitamin C and calcium .

Paew fried mussel rafts
the ingredients
fish sauce
vegetable oil

Put the mussels in a pot to boil for about 2-3 minutes to open the shell. Then peeled off to one side. In order to eat you If the shell does not open out that the shell is broken off, it does not have to be fried.

Add minced garlic to the pan. Use lots of garlic was delicious
Stir until almost the garlic.

Heat input mussels and stir.
Season with fish sauce

Add the vegetables to the raft

Stir-fry until the vegetables are cooked fire

Cr. http://chim.bloggang.com

Toumyou (pea sprouts)

Toumyou  countered vegetables cultivated from seeds, peas. Sweet and crisp Nutrient-rich Helps maintain healthy eyes, liver, heart, and that is a source of protein. Including vitamin B. And vitamin C. It also contains lecithin. This helps in the functioning of the nerves to the brain. And vegetables are also a lot of fiber. This helps the digestive system better. This will help prevent cancer. In the stomach and intestines
3. Now put the shells into the mix in the pan. Do not pour water into the shell. Put the plate into a tree top. Eat eaten at the same time.

Fried Toumyou

the ingredients
Mew 150 grams of vegetables Strikes
Large cloves garlic , minced 2 tablespoons .
1? tablespoons sesame oil
1? tbsp soy sauce .
? tablespoon oyster sauce

1. Wash countered that phat cat a clean cut of the trunk to the left .
2. made ??with sesame oil over medium heat until hot. Put enough to fry until tier milk yellow vegetables countered that cat down together and put soy sauce . Oyster sauce , stir well again to turn off the lights.
( Do not stir ,because it makes for a delicious, delicate vegetables ).
3. Spoon into serving dish

vegetable roll
Cabbage leaves 6
Carrots, 1/2 cup soy lines
The bamboo shoots into strips 1/2 cup soy .
1/2 cup Toumyou
1/2 cup golden needle mushroom
Sauce 1 tablespoon
Mushroom sauce 2 tablespoons
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1/2 cup vegetable broth
Cornstarch dissolved sesame seeds .

1. Blanch the cabbage leaves to soften. Slice off the base of the stick to some simple roll.
2. Boil the carrots, bamboo shoots and mushrooms cooked golden needle.
3. carrots, asparagus wrapped in golden needle mushrooms and vegetables countered that cat with cabbage leaves, roll tightly, cut into pieces on a plate.
4. Mix the sauce with mushroom sauce, sugar, sesame oil, broth and bring to a light boil.
5. Add the cornstarch To thicken the stew is cooked down
6. Spoon the sauce is poured on vegetable rolls wrapped sprinkle toasted sesame Serve immediately.

Acacia (Lead Tree)

Acacia (Lead Tree) 

Acacia is a large shrub to small tree height up to 10 meters, but the branches, leaves a feather bunk alternate stems branching short hairy leaves arranged opposite a bar or oblong strip ends. Treble Cone deform the soft, hairy leaves, flowers, a bouquet of flowers design bunch of tight axillary buds fuzzy, soft, slightly fragrant as a bouquet of long flat pods pods. The seed pods, as well as in pods.

Food value
100g soft peaks Acacia Energy 80.7 kcal 3.8 g fiber , calcium , phosphorus, 11 mg, 137 mg, 9.2 mg iron , vitamin A 7,883 IU. Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, 0.09 mg, 0.33 mg, 1.7 mg niacin , vitamin C, 8 mg .

Acacia sour vegetables

the ingredients
Top Acacia one bundle
2 eggs
vegetable oil
1 tablespoon curry paste
1 cup tamarind
Vegetable broth or chicken broth 1 cup big.
Palm sugar, fish sauce

Beat eggs topped acacia decidedly into. Fry took down before Then cut into squares Put the soup pot. Sour chili melted into boiling took Acacia omelet into. Flavored with tamarind juice, fish sauce and palm sugar. Taste sweet, sour, salty taste.

Oyster garnish

Oyster third match ( bigger than a little ) .
3 tablespoons garlic , chopped
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
Top Acacia

1. Wash and dry the oysters to drain. Remove the oil pan fried oysters cooked, seasoned with soy sauce, do not last long because the water is out there, then scoop out and topped with oyster sauce and set aside.
2. Remove the oil pan fry the garlic and yellow again, this time not to make the bitter or burnt off before the fire.



other name
White House tare orange male. Flower tare Thailand

The pod is a slender 3.8 to 7 meters in diameter, 2-5 mm Aventis pods are broken into small, kidney bean shaped like pea pods in a row.

The seeds of New West epidemiology and the spread. Common natural plains in the garden moist soil common in the rainy season.

Benefits and Importance
Medicinal plant disease and menstrual blood rotten kill a parasite. The poisonous scorpion sting leaves the body heal sores, ear aches, relieves irritation seed diuretic kill a parasite. Relieve irritation tare sour tropical flowers. Relief food phlegm pituitary stem leaves and flowers are a soft pickled vegetable dip. Or boiled fish, pork, pork and more.

tare preserved


Shoots 1 kg tare
Salt 1 cup
1/2 cup steamed rice

Only pick up light ( The rain will not ) wash vegetables thoroughly and remove any water enamel or stainless put vegetable into salt 1/2 cup vegetable juice until soft massage with green water flows out greenish water poured away. Remove remaining salt Brown ( really little ) and steamed rice is cooked . Into a flattened rice to break apart in the pot , mix mixture containing coatings . With the lid closed two days ago was sour .


Native title :
It yam (general), yam rice . Sticky yam tubers (Nakhon Ratchasima ) , wild yam (North) , CLee ( Karen - Mae Hong Sorn)

Nature :
Ivy vine wrapped onto another tree. Part of the stem above the ground with feathers and spines. Leaves alternate leaves with three leaflets pointed out a narrow base plate broadleaf flowering sex male flowers without stalks. Tightly packed together on a bouquet of fragrant flowers female flowers are arranged on distant flower stalk is too long, about 5 cm with three fins seeds with wings at the base. The head is round Upper and lower flat Not buried in the soil The above ground often wavy shallow. The head has a different skin color or gray straw. Meat in white to white.
benefit :
Yam tubers as food Before eating to wash the toxins out. The head yam slice into thin slices. Soaked in salt water, then drain the water several times, or soaked in water to wash the toxins out of water because dioscorine alkaloid that is soluble in water. Some of the wild tribal water mixed with the juice of yam tubers of early rubber stockings (Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.) As darts to shoot the animal. In the yam flour is also high. India to prepare the dough in the industry.