วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Centella asiatica

Other names Phak khnak Style herbaceous vines spread over several years along the ground . Like wet According to the roots The flow extends to grow from the leaf blade holds up 3-5
Leaves alternate kidney diameter 2-5 cm serrated edge stem length flower bouquet axillary 2-3 small purple flower petal effect . dry , and the properties have been used as a medicine.
Fresh leaves - used as an external treatment for eczema. Scald burns with a handful of fresh leaves 1 pound cleaned the wound , apply the juice to mask the often -cake with. To close the wound and scarring of the Bulge .Asiatic help control blood pressure to normal , aging , stimulate faster wound healing, for example.

Asiatic shrimp salad

the ingredients
 Centella asiatica leaf 20
 Shrimp 15
 1 tablespoon chili paste
 2 tablespoons toasted coconut
 1 tablespoon fish sauce
 3/4 tablespoon lemon juice
 little sugar

- Rinse thoroughly Asiatic Cut into pieces and set aside .
- Mix the toasted coconut sauce , fish sauce, lime juice and sugar together into a salad .
- Asiatic water mix with salad dressing and mix well . The plate and garnished with grilled shrimp . Make it beautiful and serve
Remove the fish -shaped mold is then baked in the oven . Before frying pan teflon . Add a little vegetable stock .
-Garnish with coriander and mint leaves, sliced ​​tomatoes crosswise . Serve with sauce

