วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Toumyou (pea sprouts)

Toumyou  countered vegetables cultivated from seeds, peas. Sweet and crisp Nutrient-rich Helps maintain healthy eyes, liver, heart, and that is a source of protein. Including vitamin B. And vitamin C. It also contains lecithin. This helps in the functioning of the nerves to the brain. And vegetables are also a lot of fiber. This helps the digestive system better. This will help prevent cancer. In the stomach and intestines
3. Now put the shells into the mix in the pan. Do not pour water into the shell. Put the plate into a tree top. Eat eaten at the same time.

Fried Toumyou

the ingredients
Mew 150 grams of vegetables Strikes
Large cloves garlic , minced 2 tablespoons .
1? tablespoons sesame oil
1? tbsp soy sauce .
? tablespoon oyster sauce

1. Wash countered that phat cat a clean cut of the trunk to the left .
2. made ??with sesame oil over medium heat until hot. Put enough to fry until tier milk yellow vegetables countered that cat down together and put soy sauce . Oyster sauce , stir well again to turn off the lights.
( Do not stir ,because it makes for a delicious, delicate vegetables ).
3. Spoon into serving dish

vegetable roll
Cabbage leaves 6
Carrots, 1/2 cup soy lines
The bamboo shoots into strips 1/2 cup soy .
1/2 cup Toumyou
1/2 cup golden needle mushroom
Sauce 1 tablespoon
Mushroom sauce 2 tablespoons
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1/2 cup vegetable broth
Cornstarch dissolved sesame seeds .

1. Blanch the cabbage leaves to soften. Slice off the base of the stick to some simple roll.
2. Boil the carrots, bamboo shoots and mushrooms cooked golden needle.
3. carrots, asparagus wrapped in golden needle mushrooms and vegetables countered that cat with cabbage leaves, roll tightly, cut into pieces on a plate.
4. Mix the sauce with mushroom sauce, sugar, sesame oil, broth and bring to a light boil.
5. Add the cornstarch To thicken the stew is cooked down
6. Spoon the sauce is poured on vegetable rolls wrapped sprinkle toasted sesame Serve immediately.

